Menifee Pony
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Volunteer ID Badges are now MANDATORY for all volunteers of Menifee Pony to be on the field or in the dugout.  

The list and badges are good for as long as you are part of Menifee Pony.  MPB reserves the right to require renewal of Concussion Course and Court Reporter Certifications, as well as the MPB DL Background Check.  MPB reserves the right to refuse or revoke badges and approval at any time. 


In cases of arrest history records coming back from the LiveScan DOJ background check, MPB has certain convictions that will result in automatic denial of MPB Badge and Volunteer status, and others others will be reviewed for approval or denial by our leagues legally authorized Custodian of Records.  In all cases MPB reserves the right to make final decisions on Volunteer status.  MPB also reserves the right to remove Approved Volunteer status from any MPB Volunteer.  This may be due to the background check information, it may be because a problem or history of problems between the volunteer and our league.  

IMPORTANT:  Reasons you may not be on this list:
 - We just haven't gotten to yours yet (check last-update time at top of list)
 - Your teams manager hasn't added you to 'Team Volunteers List'.  Ask the manager please, not us
 - DOJ hasn't approved your Live Scan (see 'VOLUNTEER REQUIREMENTS PAGE'  for more info).  Note: sometimes DOJ takes longer to process. 
 - You haven't uploaded YOUR DL (double-check for yourself on your Volunteer Form on your Account Page).  
 - Required Certification of Completion not uploaded (see 'VOLUNTEER REQUIREMENTS PAGE'  for more info). Double-check for yourself on your Volunteer Form on your Account Page.  

COACHES - up-to-three coaches, no more, can be in the dugout and/or on the field during any game, per league rules.  In machine-pitch divisions, a fourth coach can be used.  In Filly, as many as the manager can use, as long as they meet all MPB Volunteer requirements.   

TEAM PARENTS can sit in the dugout (one at a time) in all games in Filly, Shetland, Pinto-MP and Pinto-KP.  TEAM PARENTS cannot help coach. To help coach, they must meet all requirements for a Coach badge.  Team Parents badges are only given out thru Pinto-KP Division. 

MANAGERS, if your Asst Coaches are not on this list, they need to stay out of your practices until they are.  

If you're not on here and wondering why, please read the 'IMPORTANT' paragraph above. 

Updated 4/3/24, 3:30pm
NOTE: Have your manager notify us if you've completed requirements late and need to be added, otherwise we do not know.  

Curtis Achtemeier, Coach
Justin Adams, Coach
Tiffany Adams, Coach
Lola Aguiluz, Team Parent
Dominica Albitre, Team Parent
Edwin Alcocer, Coach
Kevin Alcocer, Coach
Adam Alvarez, Coach
Ed Alvarez, Coach
Andrew Amplayo, Coach
Kurtis Anderson, Coach
Gregory Anzures, Coach
Armand Archibek, Coach
Sienna Archibek, Board Member
Richard Arizaga, Coach
Raymond Arreola, Coach
David Arteaga, Coach
Caleb Avellar, Coach
Jaqueline Avila, Coach
Daniel Ayala, Coach
David Ayala, Coach
Josh Ayala, Coach
Amy Baker, Team Parent
Charlie Baker, Team Parent
Dennis Baker, Board Member
Thomas Baker, Coach
Jose Barrera, Team Parent
Samuel Barwin, Coach
David Bates, Coach
Matthew Bates, Coach
Tara Bates, Team Parent
James Beebe, Coach
Robert Beedles, Coach
David Bell, Coach
Ivonne Bernal Carbajal, Team Parent
William Bilang, Coach
Ben Bixby, Coach
Kristina Black, Team Parent
Matt Bocanegra, Coach
Alan Brandenburg, Coach
Greg Brandenburg, Coach
David Bratty Sr., Coach
Karlton Bridgewaters, Coach
Jordan Brittain, Team Parent
Priscilla Brittain, Team Parent
Ryan Brosterhous, Coach
Brittany Brown, Coach
Christopher Brown, Coach
Stephen Brown, Coach
Dana Buchanan, Board Member
Daniel Buchanan, Coach
Robert Buchanan, Coach
Meighan Buchwald, Board Member
Joveal Bungay, Coach
Mike Burdette, Coach
Kenneth Burmood, Coach
Armando Burrell, Coach
Audrianna Burrell, Coach
Ambar Bustos, Team Parent
Jacob Bustos, Coach
Alexis Butler, Coach
David Butler, Coach
Chris Cabral, Coach
Christian Cabrera, Coach
Nathaniel Cabrera, Coach
Richard Cabrera, Coach
Valerie Cabrera, Coach
Alejandro Camacho, Coach
Angel Canales, Coach
Vicente Canales, Coach
Henry Caouette, Coach
Marco Carbajal, Coach
Priscilla Carillo, Team Parent
Heather Carreras, Team Parent
Luis Carreras, Coach
Matthew Carrillo, Coach
Israel Carrillo Jr., Coach
Thomas Carter, Coach
Juan Casas, Coach
Dominique Castillo, Board Member
Edward Cebula Jr., Coach
Sergio Centeno, Coach
Sergio Centeno , Coach
Abraham Cesena, Coach
Chad Chandler, Coach
Aditya Chatterjee, Coach
Gustavo Chaves, Coach
Analiyah Chavez, Coach
Ruben Chavez, Coach
Mayra Cifuentes, Coach
Sarah Cisneros, Coach
Victor Cisneros, Coach
Brandi Clabough, Team Parent
Joshua Clabough, Coach
Heather Clark, Team Parent
Shaun Clark, Coach
Timothy Clark, Coach
Bradley Coger, Coach
Kristen Coger, Team Parent
Joshua Colantonio, Coach
Stephen Coleman, Coach
Amanda Coltharp, Board Member
Mike Coltharp, Coach
Mitchell Coltharp, Board Member
Mike Cordova, Coach
Vanessa Cordova, Coach
Hector Correa, Coach
Maggie Correa, Team Parent
Victor Correa, Coach
Donovan Costin, Coach
Jordon Costin, Coach
Jeremy Cox, Coach
Scott Crafts, Coach
John Crater, Coach
Brandon Creekmore, Coach
Theodore Cruz, Coach
Danny Cuthrell, Coach
Corie Dahlke, Team Parent
Jason Dahlke, Coach
Chad Davidson, Coach
Jacqueline Davis, Team Parent
Jared Davis, Coach
Steven Dufis, Board Member
Kail De Leon, Coach
Shelby Degen, Team Parent
Rey Dela Rosa, Coach
Crystal Delao, Team Parent
Stephen Delao, Coach
Troy Deleon, Coach
Eddie Delgadillo, Coach
Miguel DeSantiago, Coach
Mike Desantiago, Coach
Regina DeSantiago, Team Parent
Cody Desborough, Coach
Diego Diaz, Coach
Melissa Digregorio, Team Parent
Ian Dilly, Coach
Jessica Directo, Team Parent
Michael Directo, Coach
Amber Dominguez, Coach
Anthony Dominguez, Coach
Hannah Dominguez, Team Parent
Ivan Dominguez, Coach
Jennifer Dominguez, Team Parent
Travis Donathan, Coach
Coby Dreier, Coach
Travis Dubuque, Coach
Richard Duenas, Coach
Kelly Duggins, Coach
Ken Durant, Coach
Jonathan Eckrich, Coach
Ethan Edwards, Coach
Miranda Edwards, Team Parent
David Edwards Jr, Coach
Allan Elizondo, Coach
Scott Ellam, Coach
Bruce Ellis, Coach
Jason English, Coach
Perry Escamilla, Coach
Ernestoad Escobedo, Board Member
Janine Escobedo, Board Member
Antoinette Esquibel, Coach
Martin Esquivel, Board Member
Ryan Estes, Coach
Adam Falero, Coach
Lorraine Falero, Team Parent
Ricardo Falero, Team Parent
David Farmer, Coach
Shane Ficklin, Coach
Brooke Finister, Team Parent
Wayne Finney, Coach
Jessica Firmes, Team Parent
Joshua Firmes, Coach
Armando Flores, Coach
Blanca Flores, Team Parent
Carlos Flores, Coach
Chris Flores, Coach
Mario Flores, Coach
Kevin Flynn, Board Member
Leah Flynn, Board Member
Nevaeh Foster, Coach
Amy Frahn, Board Member
Jason Frahn, Coach
Gerald Franchville, Coach
Chazstine Franco, Team parent
Ernesto Franco, Coach
Jennifer French, Team Parent
Ken French, Coach
Bryce Frias, Coach
Brian Fuerte, Coach
Mike Galanos, Board Member
Jonathan Garcia, Coach
Vanessa Garcia Calderon, Team Parent
Breanna Gardner, Team Parent
Leslie Garibay, Team Parent
Onofre Gascon, Coach
Cassie Gehl, Team Parent
Julie Gehl, Team Parent

Cameron Gillmore, Coach
Lauren Gillmore, Team Parent
Abraham Godinez, Coach
Dustin Golden, Coach
Joe Gomez, Coach
Jorge Gomez, Coach
Raul Gomez, Coach
Brandon Gonzalez, Coach
Christina Gonzalez, Team Parent
Christopher Gonzalez, Coach
Danniel Gonzalez, Coach
Joel Gonzalez, Coach
Kimberly Gonzalez, Team Parent
Manuel Gonzalez, Coach
Maritza Gonzalez, Team Parent
Brandon Gorbulev, Coach
Lindsy Graham, Team Parent
Richard Green, Coach
Aaron Grijalva, Coach
Lia Guerrero, Team Parent
Randy Guzman, Coach
Kyle Hampton, Coach
Michael Hanna, Coach
Janessa Hanson, Team Parent
Stephanie Haro, Team Parent
Jose Haros, Coach
Cody Hartsock, Coach
Thomas Hays, Coach
Briana Henry, Team Parent
Christopher Henry, Coach
Angel Hernandez, Coach
Cuauhtemoc Hernandez, Coach
Gilberto Hernandez, Coach
Victor Hernandez, Coach
Francisco Hernandez Jr, Coach
Harvey Hewitt, Coach
Nicholas Hiatt, Coach
Daniel Higgs, Coach
Edson Hinojosa, Coach
Justin Holtquist, Coach
Gregory Horta, Coach
Sean Howard, Coach
John Hoyt, Coach
Amy Hubbard, Coach
Diego Huerta, Coach
Justin Hultquist, Coach
Nikki Hultquist, Coach
Clark Ilagan, Coach
Luis Inzunza, Coach
Ashley Jackson, Team Parent
Quentin Jackson, Coach
Joel Jacobson, Coach
Michael Jaeger, Coach
Rosalia Jaeger, Team Parent
Ricardo Jaime, Coach
Simon Jaime, Coach
Christopher Johnson, Coach
Flerida Johnson, Team Parent
Kevin Johnson, Coach
Sean Johnson, Coach
Stephanie Johnson, Coach
Karl Johnstone, Coach
Joseph Jones, Coach
Justin Jones, Coach
Iva Jones Jr, Coach
Robert Jordan Sr., Coach
Randy Kasinger, Coach
Stason Kelley, Coach
Bryan King, Coach
Darren King, Board Member
Franklin King Jr., Coach
Kenneth Klein, Coach
Michael Knoerzer, Coach
Nick Kokotas, Coach
Scott Kruzick, Coach
Charles Lacey, Coach
Rudy Lacroix, Coach
Cody Lambe, Coach
Jeanette Lambe, Team Parent
Tom Lambe, Coach
Madison Lang, Team Parent
Zachary Lang, Coach
Manuel Laredo, Coach
Darren Larsen, Coach
lindsey leavitt, Team Parent
Travis Leavitt, Coach
Justin Lehr, Coach
Brandon Leibelt, Coach
Kyle Lenning, Coach
Lindsay Lethe, Team Parent
Shane Lewis, Coach
Anna Liby, Team Parent
Glenis Lizardi, Team Parent
Michael Llantada, Coach
Kye Logel, Coach
James Long, Coach
John Long, Coach
Nicole Long, Team Parent
Adan Lopez, Coach
Valerie Anne Lopez, Team Parent
German Loza, Coach
Angel Luna, Coach
Jacob Luna, Coach
David Lundberg, Coach
Glen Luttrell, Coach
Mike Lynch, Coach
Coty Mabry, Coach
William Mack, Coach
Michael Majors, Coach
Israel Maradiaga, Coach
Javier Marino, Coach
Sean Marshall, Coach
Aaron Martinez, Coach
Andrew Martinez, Coach
George Martinez, Coach
Greg Martinez, Coach
Jennifer Martinez, Coach
Joseph Martinez, Coach
Luis Martinez, Coach
Lynda Martinez, Team Parent
Anita Mayes, Coach
Matthew Mcclain, Coach
Stephanie McClain, Team Parent
Brian McCourt, Coach
David McCoy, Coach
Nicole Mcdonald, Team Parent
Nicholas McGowan, Coach
Sarah McGowan, Team Parent
Tamorah Mckee, Coach
Andrew Mclean, Coach
Samantha McSwain, Team Parent
Courtney Medina, Team Parent
Edgar Medina, Coach
Mark Medina, Board Member
Jorge Mejia, Coach
Marisol Mena, Team Parent
Daniel Mendez, Coach
David Mendoza, Coach
Griffen Merrill, Coach
Juan Michel, Coach
Clint Mihm, Coach
Chris Miller, Coach
Allen Miranda, Coach
Ryan Mitchell, Coach
Lori Moat, Team Parent
Guadalupe molina, Coach
Hector Molina, Coach
Oscar Molina, Coach
Scott Molnar, Coach
Patricia Mondragon, Coach
Sabrina Montes, Team Parent
Mike Montoya, Coach
Greg Moon, Coach
Ricky Mora, Coach
Adrianna Morales, Team Parent
Julio Morales, Coach
Marissa Morales, Coach
Monica Moran, Team Parent
Karla Moreno, Team Parent
Mario Moreno, Coach
Shanon Moulton, Coach
Brian Murray, Coach
Nicholas Mushinski, Coach
Trenton Myers, Coach
Fausta Navarro, Coach
Cyanna Nelson, Coach
Brandon Nilles, Coach
Darcey Nothdurft, Team Parent
Brandy Nugent, Team Parent
Mike Null, Board Member
Genevieve O Connell, Coach
Samuel Ochoa, Coach
Pete Olvera, Coach
Rob ONeill, Coach
Brandon Opliger, Coach
Juan Ordaz, Coach
Juan Orsorio, Coach
Oscar Ortez, Coach
Erick Ortiz, Coach
Chad Ouellette, Coach
Sierra Ouellette, Team Parent
Priscilla Pacheco, Coach
Rigo Padilla, Coach
Victor Padilla, Coach
Ramon Padilla Munguia, Coach
Salvador Pantoja, Coach
Latoya Parra, Team Parent
Jonathan Pasquale, Coach
Carlos Patino, Coach
Enedino Patino, Coach
Carlos Patino Jr, Coach
Stevan Pazarin, Coach
Axel Pearson, Coach
Alan Peck, Coach
Jenna Peck, Team Parent
Dustin Pecoraro, Coach
Veronica Pena, Team Parent
Jesse Perdue, Coach
John Perez, Coach
Melissa Perez, Team Parent
Jonathan Perrin, Coach
Morgan Petrovski, Coach
Zive Petrovski, Coach
Joshua Phillips, Coach
Megan Phillips, Team Parent
Kurt Pickering, Coach
Justin Pierce, Coach
Jessica Pinedo, Team Parent
Miguel Pinon, Coach
Christopher Poirier, Coach
Jenna Poirier, Coach
Oscar Ponce, Coach
Josh Pond, Coach
Jeremy Powers, Coach
Erika Provence, Team Parent
Justin Pryor, Coach
Fatima Quezada, Team Parent
Mario Quezada, Coach
Kevin Quezadas, Coach
Trevor Quick, Board Member
Vanessa Rackley, Coach
Alexzander Ramirez, Coach
Nick Raus, Coach
Cory Reim, Coach
Daniel Renteria, Coach
Jorge Renteria, Coach
Luz Renteria, Coach
Daniel Reyes, Coach
Joe Reyes, Coach
Julius Reyes, Coach
Chris Richardson, Coach
Robert Richardson, Coach
Sean Richardson, Coach
Catherine Rivera, Team Parent
Daniel Rivera, Coach
Jason Rivera, Coach
Veronica Rivera, Team Parent
Cristina Rivero, Team Parent
Megan Roberts, Coach
Trevor Roberts, Coach
Chris Robinson, Coach
Julia Robinson, Team Parent
Scott Robinson, Coach
Shawna Robinson, Team Parent
Christopher Robledo, Coach
Adrian Robles, Coach
Mark Robles, Coach
Jacqueline Rocha, Team Parent
Juan Rocha, Coach
Megan Roderick, Team Parent
Alex Rodriguez, Coach
Augustin Rodriguez, Coach
Benjamin Rodriguez, Coach
Dario Rodriguez, Coach
David Rodriguez, Coach
Jose Rodriguez, Coach
Louis Rodriguez, Coach
Melissa Rodriguez, Team Parent
Ronald Rodriguez, Coach
Steven Rogers, Coach
Daniel Romero, Coach
Fernando Romo, Coach
Andrew Rondon, Coach
Jason Roney, Coach
Michael Roppo, Coach
Nicholas Rossi, Coach
Stephanie Rossi, Team Parent
Robert Rubalcava, Coach
Daniel Rubio, Coach
Kristian Rudd, Coach
Philip Rudulph, Coach
Wade Sadowsky, Coach
Lucas Saenz, Coach
Ed Salazar, Board Member
Silvestre Salgado Diaz, Coach
Jorge Sanchez, Coach
Ray Sanchez, Coach
Rudy Sanchez, Coach
##Isaac Sanchez-Molina, Coach
James Sanders, Coach
Alberto Sandoval, Coach
Richard Sandoval, Coach
Ronald Sanford, Coach
Andrex Santana, Coach
Gabriel Santillan, Coach
Jessica Sartain, Team Parent
Rick Sartori, Coach
Paul Schiller, Coach
Kevin Scott, Coach
Adam Sebastian, Coach
Rebecca Sebastian, Team Parent
Melissa Sentak, Team Parent
Danny Serrano, Coach
Amanda Shepherd, Team Parent
Kyle Shepherd, Coach
Scott Shores, Coach
Brittany Sibbers, Coach
Christopher Sibbers, Coach
Candace Simpson, Board Member
Jamylette Sinclair, Coach
Thomas Sinclair, Coach
Kyle Skimin, Coach
Amanda Smith, Team Parent
Chad Sohl, Coach
Toetu Solaita, Coach
Eddie Solares, Coach
Timothy Soobzokov, Coach
Eric Sperry, Coach
Jena Sperry, Team Parent
Kyle Staggs, Coach
Steven Steiner, Coach
Candace Stone, Team Parent
Timothy Swanson, Coach
Robert Swanstrom, Coach
Shanna Tackett, Board Member
Chris Tate, Coach
Summer Tate, Coach
Jessica Taylor, Team Parent
Mike Taylor, Coach
Russell Thiessen, Coach
Kevin Thompson, Coach
Charles Thurston, Coach
Miranda Thurston, Coach
Codie Tolle, Team Parent
Cody Tolle, Coach
Kyle Tolle, Coach
Dotty Torres, Coach
Luis Torres, Coach
Nicole Tovar, Team Parent
Steven Tovar, Board Member
Shaun Trafton, Coach
Ryan Trevett, Coach
DeLeon Troy, Coach
Stephanie Truex, Coach
Bart Valdez, Coach
Jesus Valenzuela, Coach
Gabriela Valeo, Coach
Yvonne Vanderwoude, Board Member
Matt Vasquez, Coach
Adrian Vazquez, Team Parent
Bryant Verceles, Coach
Kevin Verdeja, Coach
Beto Vergara, Coach
Robert Verlingo, Coach
Matt Vieira, Coach
Arturo Villa, Coach
Jonathan Voeltner, Coach
Jason Vonmoos II, Coach
Brandi Waite, Coach
Stephanie Waite, Team Parent
Jason Walker, Coach
Mathew Ward, Coach
Ramon Webb, Coach
Michael Webster-Leyva, Coach
Mariana Welch , Team Parent
Ryan West, Coach
Jeff White, Coach
Ryan Wiemann, Coach
Greg Wilburn, Coach
Michael Williams, Coach
Maren Woiemberghe, Team Parent
Travis Woiemberghe, Coach
Marquis Worley, Coach
Jonathan Ybarra, Coach
Antonio Zacarias, Coach
Christopher Zapata, Coach
Lizzette Zapata, Coach
Clarence Zimmer, Coach
Frank Zimmer, Coach


CHAMPIONS will be notified elsewhere. Contact manager or team parent with questions.  Manager or team parent, contact Champions Director with questions.